How it works

If you are considering tutoring chemistry online with me, here is how it works

Step 1 

Book a 30 mins free consultation for us to get to know each other and assess if my tutoring service is right for your child and to determine if your child and I would be a perfect fit for his/her tutoring needs.

Step 2

If we decide to move forward, you will recieve student and parent login details for you to signup via the student portal.

Step 3 

Book and cancel tutoring sessions any time via the student portal.

Access student resources including recorded tutoring session via the student portal.

Why you should consider online tutoring over in-person tutoring

  • This eliminates time waisted travelling. Free up this time for you and your family to enjoy other precious things in life
  • Most students feel more comfortable working from their own home.
  •  Online tutoring can be more intentionally focused and interactive which increases learning for the student.
  •  Last minute exam preparations can be more readily accommodate
  • Online tutoring is global, you can do it anywhere, anytime, all you need is a laptop and good network connection. Enjoy the flexibility 

Tutoring rates

 Hourly  Rate 

  £50 /hour  



Invoices are issued weekly or monthly seven days in advance via the Parent’s portal and by email.
You may pay in full via an automated online payment plan. Payment can be made via debit or credit card.

Refund policy

If a session is cancelled at least 24 hours before the session. Any advance payments made will be refunded in full or the session will be rescheduled.


If you are unable to make the session, you can reschedule or cancel at least 24 hours in advance via the student’s or parent’s portal. If you are unable to cancel or reschedule within 24 hours the session may still be charged.

If you are having difficulty cancelling or rescheduling. Please contact me any time via email or and I will respond to you within 6-12 hours.

Expectation from me:

I value every parent and child I work with. My goal is to get the best results for your child. Expectations from me include

  • Transparency and open communication
  • Identifying and closing gaps your child has
  • Provide simple step by step focused tutoring session to guide the student understanding of chemistry
  • Inspire students to excel in chemistry
  • Increase student ‘s confidence
  • Boost exam grade
  • Mentoring aspiring young scientists

Expectations from Students and parents

  •  Open and transparent communication
  • Show up on time for all tutorial sessions and be ready to work
  • Use the available student /parent portal to access resources, reschedule and cancel sessions
  • Respect the cancellation policy
  • Make payments promptly using the payment method provided

Time management 

It is important to show up on time for each session. Each session will begin and end on time to accommodate each student. If you show up late it may not be possible to make up for that time.


Both parties will communicate with transparency and openness, voice any concerns as they arise.
Parent’s expectations of communication are different. A parent can request for an update on your child’s progress at any time via email or book a consultation meeting via the parent’s portal. An assessment will be done every 3 months to let you know how your child is progressing.


All discussions are confidential, except if information must be shared at the client’s discretion

If you'd like to explore how I can help your child excel in chemistry