

You are l00% safe to try this out, just try it for a month and see if it works.

If tutoring chemistry with me does work for you or for your child, you will be delighted, and I think this is exactly what will happen.

 If for some reason you or your child are not delighted, and you or your child are still spending long hours and struggling with the topics we have covered just let me know and you will get your money back. 


Here is what some of my students have to say

Mark Boateng : Mill Hill County High School , Year 13

In year 12 I struggled with Chemistry and consistently got C’s/D’s in exams. However, thanks to my tutors resourceful and strategic teaching style

I’m now on track for A’s. She has taught the subject to me in a way much clearer than before by simplyfing difficult concepts and making sure I understand before moving onto new topics.

Nana Amonu Ogoe : The Hazeley Academy, Year 13

Mariah has really helped my daughter. She makes sure she fully understands the content before they move on. The areas she’s struggled with most are always targeted

Sharine Kabenge: St Peter's School, Year 11

Mariah has helped my daughter in recent times to understand more with the subject of Chemistry. 

Before, it was tough for her to understand some of the information that her teacher was giving out but now looking back on it with Mariah, she’s helped her to recognise where she has gone wrong and to expand on my knowledge.

Maya Hussain,:Oldham hulme grammar,Year 13

In year 12, I was struggling a lot with my chemistry topics with predicted  U and E grades 

The highest I could achieve was a D no matter how desperately I tried.

When I started to have tutoring session with Mariah,  the topics that I was struggling with  became easy for me to understand because of the simple strategies she was using to explain them, I started to see  improvement in my grades  and  I am now working towards A/B

Thank you Mariah